It prescribes the projection of the prescription was based on the quarterly average of 2009 and the price of sales for ton of the mix of products of the company. In the fertilizer division the unitary price was used increased description of the inflation expectation. As the finding prepared for BB Banco de Investimento s.a., the rude operational prescription will have growth of 1% in every year of 2010 up to 2016 and 2% in every year of 2017 up to 2020. 3.3.4 Cost of the vendidos products (CPV) the prices of the raw material used in the productive process had been projected as historical of the company. The transformation costs (energy, hand of workmanship and others) had been projected in accordance with the unitary cost for ton of copper in 2009 increased by the projected IPCA, remaining itself 10% (ten percent) and 14% enter (fourteen percent) on the total cost.
The fixed costs if had kept around 1% on total, projected costs on the basis of 2009 increased of the projected IPCA. Adopted depreciation uses the historical average (2007 the 2009) of 12,6% to the year. 3.3.5 Expenditures with sales the expenditures with sales follow the quarterly percentile averages (2008 and 2009), for presenting small variations. 3.3.6 Overheads and administrative overheads administrative they also follow the quarterly percentile averages (2008 and 2009), for presenting small variations, considering a small reduction due to the profit of synergy in the consolidation of the companies Caraba and Eluma. 3.3.7 Necessity of Capital of turn the necessity of turn capital corresponds to the average of the closed rockings of 2007 the 2009, being projected 42 (forty and two) days for the average stated period of act of receiving, 83 (eighty and three days) for the average stated period of supply and 81 (eighty and one days) for the average stated period of purchases.