To all this we add that the “Perspectives of Latin American diplomacy in 2007,” this expert analyzes the political exchanges in the past ten years, when 74 heads of state and government visited China, which accounted for 19 visits to countries American. . It also highlights the 15 ministerial talks with the Rio Group since 1990, five with Mercosur since 1997, and ten independent contacts with ten countries of the Andean Community of Nations (CAN) and the Caribbean, which have established diplomatic relations with China. No doubt Roett Riordan said that in the coming years China will move with caution Latin America. The Beijing government attaches a high value on political stability and economic predictability. Decisions such as the Argentine government to nationalize pension funds in October 2008 are very disturbing to the Chinese authorities.
There are elections in many countries, in Argentina in June 2009 and in Mexico in July 2009. Brazil and Colombia have national elections in 2010. The Chinese Government wishes to see the results of those elections before increasing your level of commitment to the region. We must take into account Roett added that in political circles there is concern that “natural resource curse” is back again. That is, Latin America has historically chosen to export raw materials and minerals instead of adding value to traditional exports or deepen the industrialization process. Some countries have been better than others. Chile has been successful in adding value to their exports and has directed its gaze to the Asian market.