Internet has made possible the traveller to locate and itself compare the prices of the various services, which allows you to find the best offer.Spend very little money on vacation is a possibility within the reach of all, or at least all those people taking a time in search and compare among offers, for accommodation, flights or car hire prices vary significantly between hotels or companies. Saving test to which we can aspire if we bother to do a thorough comparison is the latest study conducted by FACUA consumers in action in the sector of car rental, study which suggests that the price differences between companies can become 431% in the same city, and 735% comparing the price of the same type of vehicle among different cities. FACUA said study was conducted in the cities of Barcelona, Madrid, Palma de Mallorca, Seville and Tenerife and took as a reference to 15 car hire companies:, Avis, Europcar, Hertz, Alamo, Atesa, Auriga Crown, SIXT, Goldcar, Centaur, BK, Alquimobil, sea Car, SOLMAR and Faycan. The comparison was made based on how much it cost to rent a car from economic range in each one of them one day, and resulted in a difference of 174,27 euros per day for the same type of vehicle. The cheapest car rental is located in Barcelona, where it could rent a car by 23,73 euros per day in BK in Palma de Mallorca, offered the most expensive with a price of 198,00 EUR/day.
In short, while in Barcelona you could rent a car economic range for about 24 euros, in Palma the price of that same vehicle hovered 200 euros, 8.5 times more. But let’s compare within the same city, which is the way to truly useful for the consumer. In Barcelona, rent a car in cost 23,73 euros, compared to the Solmar 126,00, so that the price per day varied by 431%.In Madrid, the difference at the time of the study was 282%, between the 31,03 EUR and 118,56 EUR of Alamo. In Seville tallied a 358% to the compar margin the cost of 32,00 EUR with of Auriga Crown, calling 146,50 euros for a day. A variation of 205%, according to 28.25 euros per day of compared with 86.15 euros in poplar (at the airport) was detected in Tenerife. Finally, the price difference in Palma de Mallorca was 262%, comparing the 54,75 EUR calling Atesa for rent in city and 198,00 EUR in BK. However, in Mallorca airport where does have presence, the price of a car rental was 64,00 EUR 72,45 calling Atesa, establishing a difference in favor of 8.45 euros. For more information please consult the comparative table FACUA has included on its website.