The Man, and not it The holy ghost, is the agent of this history. The authors alert for the existence of a debate on the participation of the State and the market in the management of the Museums. The museums had been created to fortify the State and although the faced-when crises had been substituted by diversified institutions, come back toward the attendance to I publish and its diverse interests to it, point out this change due to inefficiency and, in Latin America, also on account of the improper use of the public in favor of the interests of the dominant elite. The Market manages investments and in the rich countries it was capable to transform the Museums into entertainment centers, knowledge, consumption and leisure while, in countries that if they had industrialized later, the proposals seem to be differentiated as for its development. To follow the authors they consider a difficult study of if carrying through, therefore they look for to deal with the Memories, constructed images and identities, but as to make it if these possess diverse sources and are always in evolution state? They break then for the results of one Research Profile-Opinion 2005, whose resulted had been presented by Luciana Seplveda, Sibele Cazelli and Jose M. Rasp, executed in Astroroof of Museums and Cultural Centers and whose objective she was analyzes it of the profile publishes of it of the museums of Rio De Janeiro and Niteri. This type of study comes gaining gallows and aims at to establish which the demands of the society, now treated as to be taken care of element and not more as static object. It affirms that currently the museums contemporaries construct its narratives from one publish multiple, with intention to not only educate a type of I publish, but with ampler vision and socially pair uped with the evolution of this society.