Dance Festival

Cuba launches additional Dance Festival in Varadero because of the unexpected success of the Dance Festival Baila en Cuba in Havana the culture Department of the Cuban Ministry of tourism (MINTUR) has chosen another Festival of the same type in the tourist stronghold to start Varadero. The event keeps ready just like the several stattefundene sister event in Havana, a number of workshops and also nightly galas. Other than Baila en Cuba, Baila en Varadero takes place not in November but in the summer. In 2011, the date of the 12th to 16th of July is. The workshops offered typical, Latin dances such as salsa, merengue, Rhumba, and not least, the kubansiche son.

In the evening is usually an event on the program in which you can apply directly learned in a workshop. It is danced so to Cuban rhythms until late in the night, so, as you would expect it too by the Cubans. Now it’s usually like that nobody exerts a Cuba travel for only 4 days to take part at one of the festivals. But there is the summer festival as a result of the location Varadero excellent vacation incorporate in, because the most beach hotels on the island are in there. Typically, Reiseveranstlalter already offer packages with the participation at the Festival and the corresponding accommodation in one of the nearest hotels.