In the greater social network of Internet, many very basic and simple applications and tools exist that they allow to modify and to change a little the image of our account, even, some that promise the option to add sounds and other elements to him. But these applications demand too much information and accesses that are not perhaps advisable for our security and privacy. If what you want is to change the image of your profile and, in addition, you use navigator Mozilla Firefox, this trick will be very interesting and useful. What you must do is abrir Firefox navigator, dirigirte to the menu tools, to give click on complements there and to look for the one that takes like Stylish name. Once unloaded and installed, you must reinitiate the navigator and, immediately, abrir your account of Facebook. Stylish is an extension for Firefox that allows to apply to customized styles to Web sites, something that at some time I called the Greasemonkey to him of the CSS. In we can find piles of visual styles created by users and who we can use having installed this extension. In the part right inferior of the window you will find an icon with letter S, dale click and will appear several options there.
In the beginning you will be forced to unload some subjects being abriendo the menu To administer Styles and following the instructions of the page. With respect to skins dark I have not seen any that works well with the new version of Facebook. The good thing of this is that he is not complicated to create styles taking as bases the code of another one. To even create them from zero is not complicated but it is learned enough modifying other style sheets. You only need to know something basic of CSS and the rest is imagination. The image of your Facebook will be very different and will that way make of your step more pleasant and customized the very many experience. Original author and source of the article