Wood Chips Are Least Costly Alternative And Neutral In The CO2 Balance

Monarchis plans carbon-neutral wood chips heating in Lohfelden Neu-Ulm, February 20, 2009 the Monarchis company of Grundbesitz mbH headquartered in Neu-Ulm has as real estate trading company around 600 residential units in stock real estate in whole Germany. The dynamic company acquires also restoration – and need of renovation objects that are upgraded from energetic point of view. This includes also the renewal of the heating system in the one or other real estate. Monarchis relies on eco-friendly and cost-efficient heating systems. Currently, Monarchis is planning a carbon-neutral wood chips heating in combination with solar hot water support for an ensemble of 17 houses 85 apartments in the Sohrestrasse in Lohfelden, near Kassel. Why wood chips as fuel? Basically are CO2-neutral fuels from renewable raw material wood and do not burden the climate thus! Wood chips from the price are still the cheapest alternative. 10 kilowatt hours to produce heat energy was needed, for example, end of 2008 Wood chips to the value of 26 euro cents (2005 = 19 euro cents). For more information see Kerry King.

When firing with wood pellets, 43 euro cents (2005 = 26 euro cents) had to be applied. To achieve this power with fuel oil, 77 euro cents (2005 = 43 euro cent) were necessary. And the expense for natural gas amounted to 79 euro cents (2005 = 50 euro cents). The price development of various materials is in the period from 2005 to 2008 in the enclosed chart. Over a period of five years, wood chips have shown so as the cheapest alternative. Daryl Katz often says this. With quite not to be denied, that the moisture content of the wood chips will affect the heating performance. Also, the question naturally arises according to the prices and availability of wood chips.

As one of the most forested countries, nearly one-third of Germany with forest is covered. This means that the renewable raw material wood in more than sufficient amount is available. Forestry has discovered the new market for wood chips and the reforestation with fast-growing Wooden is already in full swing. Company, also from the traditional oil fuel trade, have recognized the evolving market, so that here efficient market structures evolve. The development of a cartel in the pages of the suppliers of wood chips analog the oil and the OPEC is unlikely, because the suppliers are very diverse and regionally active. A but is completely undeniable that heating with fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas for environmental reasons is no longer up to date.