Hazardous Products
When we talk about dangerous products tend to think in those who, due to being poorly designed or by having gone through a faulty manufacturing process; they carry certain risks for the consumer in the face of its use. Thus, for example, it would be an electronic product which tended to cause short circuits by suffer overheating. It is this type of cases, precisely, when it is possible to speak of responsibility of the manufacturer (or importer) for possible damage, personal and materials, these may result in users. However, what happens with those other goods whose nature itself is unsafe or said in another way, dangerous? Indeed, there are products that, by its own characteristics and the purposes for which were designed or manufactured, have broad potential harmful to the health of their users, not to employ under a strict security protocol. In many cases it’s elements of an industrial character, placed at the service of the manufacture of other products or the realization of other economic activities. Thus, for example, gunpowder so a fundamental element in the demolition sector, as also when it comes to infrastructure.
However, misuse of it could lead to amputations, severe burns, terrible scars or even the death of the person. What aspects might indicate that a product is unsafe? Dangerous or unsafe product character could be given by its preparation or manufacturing, which usually presents a considerable complexity, being subjected in many cases to a multitude of tests to verify that the process completed successfully. Precisely because of its dangerous nature, if they are marketed towards the public at large (and not for industrial purposes), they tend to take with you instructions and precautions very accurate, and if even possible limitations and restrictions with a view to their acquisition and use. Consider, for example, drugs. These would fall within this category of dangerous products by nature given that they are the result of complex chemical processes, using substances that, used improperly, could seriously threaten health and integrity of the patient.
These are always accompanied by complete prospectuses with instructions on its use, contraindications and its possible side effects on the same. And, on the other hand, it is necessary in most cases having a prescription in order to acquire them. In any case, the common dangerous products by nature element is that there should not be an alternative to the user that would achieve the same results that may arise from her employment without such high risks that have been associated. Damages for dangerous products by nature just as it happens with other products, just might qualify for compensation for damages suffered because of its use in the case that, having them used according to the instructions and the manufacturer’s instructions, you’d suffered some kind of damage. Thus, for example, if you had accidentally swallowed lye, thereby causing you severe internal Burns, you should discard any possibility of complaint, since in its labelling already clearly specified that extremely dangerous and toxic character.