Hazardous Products

When we talk about dangerous products tend to think in those who, due to being poorly designed or by having gone through a faulty manufacturing process; they carry certain risks for the consumer in the face of its use. Thus, for example, it would be an electronic product which tended to cause short circuits by suffer overheating. It is this type of cases, precisely, when it is possible to speak of responsibility of the manufacturer (or importer) for possible damage, personal and materials, these may result in users. However, what happens with those other goods whose nature itself is unsafe or said in another way, dangerous? Indeed, there are products that, by its own characteristics and the purposes for which were designed or manufactured, have broad potential harmful to the health of their users, not to employ under a strict security protocol. In many cases it’s elements of an industrial character, placed at the service of the manufacture of other products or the realization of other economic activities. Thus, for example, gunpowder so a fundamental element in the demolition sector, as also when it comes to infrastructure.

However, misuse of it could lead to amputations, severe burns, terrible scars or even the death of the person. What aspects might indicate that a product is unsafe? Dangerous or unsafe product character could be given by its preparation or manufacturing, which usually presents a considerable complexity, being subjected in many cases to a multitude of tests to verify that the process completed successfully. Precisely because of its dangerous nature, if they are marketed towards the public at large (and not for industrial purposes), they tend to take with you instructions and precautions very accurate, and if even possible limitations and restrictions with a view to their acquisition and use. Consider, for example, drugs. These would fall within this category of dangerous products by nature given that they are the result of complex chemical processes, using substances that, used improperly, could seriously threaten health and integrity of the patient.

These are always accompanied by complete prospectuses with instructions on its use, contraindications and its possible side effects on the same. And, on the other hand, it is necessary in most cases having a prescription in order to acquire them. In any case, the common dangerous products by nature element is that there should not be an alternative to the user that would achieve the same results that may arise from her employment without such high risks that have been associated. Damages for dangerous products by nature just as it happens with other products, just might qualify for compensation for damages suffered because of its use in the case that, having them used according to the instructions and the manufacturer’s instructions, you’d suffered some kind of damage. Thus, for example, if you had accidentally swallowed lye, thereby causing you severe internal Burns, you should discard any possibility of complaint, since in its labelling already clearly specified that extremely dangerous and toxic character.


Concern usually do that little things projected large shadows from a long time ago, will has been noting the absence of proactive leadership in the national territory in all fields, aspect which is very significant for the development of the country, on everything when you need changes that will ensure that the country route along the path that requires to ensure that its inhabitants enjoy a quality of life that has right, more so when the country has with the media that can achieve that goal. Note absence of leadership, not only in opposition to the efforts of the current Government, but in other sectors that are very significant, as in business, educational, cultural, technological, health, to mention a few and it goes against what the country needs to exit avante. According to Dr. Ivan Abreu Sojo of the UCV, there is a crucial responsibility of leadership in the Venezuelan current situation, attributing this inability, inconsistency and scant historical sense, focusing on the incompetence of the the power function. There is a collapse of traditional leadership criteria and although not can speak itself that there are no leaders, the criteria that they were using to promote people to leadership already they are not valid, because it changed the historical, social and economic reality. The Venezuelan leadership is in total lack of harmony with society because of their inability to understand the social forces that currently participate in public life and is today illegitimate leadership issued with your example behaviors to follow and their acts and rules established the rules of the game. The leadership had as great fails the fact that human resources from the expansion of educational tuition not acceded to positions of control in society, because the traditional leadership provided no respite, although new generations have not struggled enough or effectively to assume that respite. Says the Dr.Abreu that there are several causes for this leadership crisis to know: firstly, the generational, because most of the so-called key leaders is over 60 years of age.

New York Reserves

Just confirm the increase in the oil reserves given the reassessment of what is now the largest discovery of oil in the country in the past ten years.The discovery of reserves that had been estimated initially at 100 million barrels of oil, could reach 500 million barrels of crude oil. The largest oil reserves increase the autonomy of the Colombian economy in terms of oil resources at the time that increase the expected gains of Ecopetrol, who is the owner of portion of discovered resources. With everything that is happening around Ecopetrol, it is not surprising that their actions earn increasingly more attractive. On the day yesterday, the Colombia stock exchange closed with a rise of 2.69%, taking the index to a maximum of 14 months, in one of the busiest days of the year, product purchases in shares of Ecopetrol, after the news about the largest estimated reserves. The good news pushed up shares of Ecopetrol in Colombia by 4.89% and 6% in New York, increase that there will be able to enjoy those who follow our articles and have heeded our recommendations about the Colombian oil company.

And who have followed the recommendations of our new report from investment actions in bag of United States value Global July, our experienced analyst Paola Pecora international markets, have already seen their assets increase by 15% in just one month. It has recommended two key companies of great potential in emerging markets, and that if these companies have risen 15% with this tenuous recovery, imagine how much more can upload when the international economic recovery is secure. Click here to continue reading and start earning you also with Global value. The improvement in the volume of reserves implies also an additional strength to the Colombian economy that looks towards the long term and depending on that, made their economic policies.

The Best

If you, the company, employees and customers also benefit from the same fruits that occur. In the case of franchising economics is often the easiest return on initial investment, since to be economics the period of repayment is minor, but that much more implies a personal effort to make everything work with Celerity and professionalism and of their results. It is therefore important: have passion and be professional to meet the business, should forget old patterns of behavior that you learned by itself alone and adapt to the successful model proposed by its franchisor. That if, should always act in good faith. Always carefully follow the instructions of the company which granted the franchise. It is important to always maintain excellent relations with this since it is her working partner.

Always keep the order, hygiene and the conduct of its employees on the premises. Be punctual and always follow what promises. Many people think that investing in franchises economics is not involved in the business, but reality shows that involve will power all areas of your business to generate higher profits. Moreover in addition to caring for our company, first thing they teach us is value to the customer, the customer must always be reason, is useless to discuss or dishonour to our buyers and prospective clients. Meet every detail and verify each variable is important, remember that the position on the market is not guaranteed and you while you have a franchise must fight it. On the subject of advertising, we have already said to you power by combining the campaigns of all businesses, you should know which actions can be carried out individually, because it can generate a bad image if it is not conducted according to the procedures that the company usually. As a last comment, not because they are affordable franchises cannot be reduce risks and enhance profits, if the model is proven to work very probably also work for you, we wish you the best of luck and do not hesitate to contact us.


The other day I read an article that talked about a woman who worked for firefighter in Gran Canaria. It made me think about the current situation of women when it comes to exams towards a position that requires some physical tests. In that article women had their experience and recounted every day with their peers. They caught my attention a couple of aspects that I am going to move to point out. To overcome some physical tests required opponents, either to access the body of firemen, police or guardia civil, which exceed a few brands.

Such marks are different for men than for women. That is why many people comment that you it’s an injustice when working men and women should be equally prepared, so there should be no differences when it comes to access tests. The woman claimed that physical abilities between men and women are the same but when performing work ensures that force is not the most important thing. According to his experience as a firefighter what stands out most is the collaboration in all equipment from the fire department. Before an unexpected are the entire team are responsible for the service, not a person. It also ensured that I have strong teammates and others weaker, higher, lower, fatter at the end all we are doing the same work and are never going to be alone, since this is one of our main premises. Any companion, by very strong as it is, can be extruded in dead weight to a person. In this kind of competitions it directly with the citizen and in many cases must be solved problems that have fast and efficiently.

The speed of the first moments is basic because on many of these occasions the life of citizens in danger. Another remarkable comment that did in the story was that when oppositions was preparing his companions cheered it but as iba surpassing physical evidence his companions began to see her as one rival. Be responsible for the life of a person is something that in the best moments filled with satisfaction but we must also be mentally prepared to face these problems and be able to act quickly in the proper. Increasingly, women who decide to go to a security body. Women years ago no were capable of entering this body by the rejection that suffered, but today this rejection barely exists. Working in a profession that you like is fundamental, for cases that we have seen it is necessary to have vocation and delivery, but this vocation makes the way to achieve this is less expensive. From here we encourage all women who are preparing an opposition which does not cease in its efforts and continue fighting as any other opponent because the reward is worth. Original author and source of the article.

The President

As a corollary of this crisis which is facing the nation: HUGO CHAVEZ has seized all the powers. What he thinks and want becomes law. What he doesn’t want is not. Governors and mayors lack authority, much more if they are of the opposition altogether. The rules completely and with supreme command. The armed forces, which Praetorian guard quickly pleased their desires. It is uniform as Commander in Chief when you crave, except when a visit to the countries of the South. Their reasons will have its followers believe are holders of the sacred fire freely execute acts contrary to the law and public order.

It is common to see a leader, Mayor or Governor of the PSUV, group, faction, or militias, contempt to a Governor or mayor of opposition and invading their competencies: the Metropolitan Mayor of Caracas was taken by paramilitary groups, including one called the Pebble, the headquarters of the Governor of Tachira have neither been delivered to his successor legitimate and there is no authority which would impose the law. There is no who resolved. Who place order. Armed as constitutional police force has prohibited act. As the public prosecutor’s Office and the judiciary in general.

Judge that supports a resource or perform an act contrary to the interests of the revolutionaries, right is dismissed or suspended in the best of cases. We are coming to observe the military not as crime and profess the values of the revolution and they have already begun to act called trials popular, directed by mentioned fans of the revolution, who have the Supreme authority to summarily declare you enemy and condemn you to death, including. UNUSUAL: The President declare UN PARO GENERAL is such the social decomposition of this nation, that the President of the luxury of declaring a GENERAL strike. If you don’t believe it, this February 02 there was a total stoppage in the nation.