Tarot Symbol Interpretation

The symbol can not be explained but understood the material expresses "invisible", we find that hidden at the same time it reveals. Using symbols Man has sought to communicate those ideas that transcend the limitations of language. Interpreting a symbol is to reveal the content and raise it to his idea. Source: Source: The symbol can not be explained but understood the material expresses "invisible", we find that hidden at the same time it reveals. Using symbols Man has sought to communicate those ideas that transcend the limitations of language. Interpreting a symbol is to reveal the content and raise it to his idea.

The symbol is the intermediary between two realities, one known and one unknown, we are shown a way that apparently is understandable, but in reality its true meaning is different from the one shown evident as all the symbols of ancient cultures all hide an essential reality "incomprehensible" to those who have not been initiated into its transcendent performances. The Symbols are the language of nature, possess qualities and convey a multidimensional hidden knowledge only visible to those capable of understanding. The Tarot is a book of wisdom, a means of knowledge, a structure of changing images, which allows for its own symbolic and idiosyncrasies begin to see facts, events and things within us and around us we could not of course but if any through them. In this sense is also a magic book, as has the potentially transformative power that will enable our concepts and mental images going sublimating their content, thus widening the field of consciousness.

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