The party would have to show the potential of the agricultural production of the imperial lands that since its occupation had been seen as a promising agricultural colony that would supply the city of Rio De Janeiro of vegetables and vegetables. While the party of agriculture was projected, enslaved workers were announced for sale, as in the periodical ‘ ‘ The Mercantil’ ‘ , of 16 of January of 1875. In that number, we can find in its final part the following announcement; ‘ ‘ Slave to vender: vende a slave of half age, for reasonable price, for information in this typographia.’ ‘ Then the future signatory of the Golden Law had influence in the organization of the said agricultural exposition that if would make in Petrpolis in blunting of February of 1875; therefore who was the proper Isabel Princess has the idea to carry through the said event, taken ahead and developed for already mentioned Paolino Alfonso Nunes Pear tree and August captain Rocha Fragoso. The event searched to be solemn and to point out all the natural wealth that the ground of imperial lands; even though it are of city had the concern of the organizadores of arregimentar illustrious figures that could be gifts in the said exposition and to verify the high degree of civility, europesmo and natural product quality that if they verified where in the land rested the real family.