Wood Pellets – Eco-friendly And Cost-saving Heating

Wood pellets from the dealer online buy wood pellets offer the possibility to take advantage of good feeling warmth and the smell of wood for the heating at home and even of other benefits. Heating with pellets made of wood is an environmentally friendly alternative to the conventional heating methods on one and saves costs on the other. Now the dealer for firewood and wood pellets on holzas.com informed online about the use of environmentally friendly means of heating, the manufacturing process as well as the delivery service for wood pellets and wood for the fireplace. Dealers informed about criteria of high-quality fuels are wood pellets customers who want to buy wood pellets, often faced with the question, which offers meet the criteria for high-quality pellets. There are several features which can be seen, whether it is high quality wood pellets for economical and environmentally friendly heating.

These criteria are the bulk density, mechanical strength and the residual moisture, that less than ten percent must be so Pellets can offer high-quality apply and optimal heating performance. Further criteria are the amount of the fine under one per cent share and the ash content of less than 0.7 per cent, as well as a consistently high calorific value, which is associated with at least 5 kilowatt hours per kilogram. So two kilograms of wood pellets on a heating capacity of one liter fuel oil come. For more specific information, check out Ping Fu. The mechanical strength is more than 97.5 percent in high-quality pellets, the bulk weight is 650 kg per cubic meter. The length of pellets is maximum 45 millimeters. Buy wood pellets by the dealer and the retailers use the delivery service for wood products for heating informed on holzas.com about the quality of wood pellets, the available sizes of delivery and the delivery service within a radius of 150 kilometers around Cottbus. Collecting customer can benefit from discounts when purchasing and delivery of wood pellets in bulk, bags and big Pack. The available packaging units are both single – and multiple-person households.