Videos System

One of the main problems to develop a successful MLM organization, that there is not a system that all members can duplicate in a simple way. I.e., most members try to follow its own system, simply do not follow none, or some people try to create a new system, rather than follow a system that has proven effective and having results. But that we will understand by system? System is that it makes that will develop the network as it formed the system? Sites of presentation and business prospecting training sites and Videos of training and development main meetings of opportunity, training and evaluation and training systems of promotion and advertising Ebook and everything that you information and training in order to develop successful business does as you can know if a system works or not? It’s Simple, check the results of the people who are using the system… If the person that follows particular plan or system of I work estaobteniendo good results copy what that person does and follow your plan.don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Ask your sponsor which makes and that results has tea desire success _ original Sergio Hernandez Autor and source of the article


It gives life ” plomero” that it gets at the floor of young people to undo a clogging. The renters harass to sexy plumber, who assures to be a Spanish emigrant. After his debut in front of the Torrent cameras 4, the Spanish singer David Bisbal has cheered up to return to demonstrate to his dowries like actor in a chapter of the Argentine soap opera the unique ones, which she transformed herself by a day into a captivating plumber. In the chapter emitted the past Monday, two of the protagonists of the nocturnal strip of channel Thirteen of the Argentine open television require the services of the native of Almeri’a, who in the skin of ” plomero” Juan attends them to Peralta to unblock a water-drainage of the kitchen. The singer assures to be a Spanish who has emigrated to Argentina by the state of the crisis in Spain. The young people, who integrate the special unit the unique ones, a group of agents with special powers that fight against the evil, fall tired before the enchantments of Bisbal, the jealousy of their teammates. One week before, the Spanish singer participated in Buenos Aires, next to Luis Fonsi and Diego Towers, among others artists, in a beneficial concert organized by Unicef within the framework of the campaign a sun for the needed children more. In September he will return to Argentina to present/display his last disc in a series of recitales by several cities of the country..


The other day I read an article that talked about a woman who worked for firefighter in Gran Canaria. It made me think about the current situation of women when it comes to exams towards a position that requires some physical tests. In that article women had their experience and recounted every day with their peers. They caught my attention a couple of aspects that I am going to move to point out. To overcome some physical tests required opponents, either to access the body of firemen, police or guardia civil, which exceed a few brands.

Such marks are different for men than for women. That is why many people comment that you it’s an injustice when working men and women should be equally prepared, so there should be no differences when it comes to access tests. The woman claimed that physical abilities between men and women are the same but when performing work ensures that force is not the most important thing. According to his experience as a firefighter what stands out most is the collaboration in all equipment from the fire department. Before an unexpected are the entire team are responsible for the service, not a person. It also ensured that I have strong teammates and others weaker, higher, lower, fatter at the end all we are doing the same work and are never going to be alone, since this is one of our main premises. Any companion, by very strong as it is, can be extruded in dead weight to a person. In this kind of competitions it directly with the citizen and in many cases must be solved problems that have fast and efficiently.

The speed of the first moments is basic because on many of these occasions the life of citizens in danger. Another remarkable comment that did in the story was that when oppositions was preparing his companions cheered it but as iba surpassing physical evidence his companions began to see her as one rival. Be responsible for the life of a person is something that in the best moments filled with satisfaction but we must also be mentally prepared to face these problems and be able to act quickly in the proper. Increasingly, women who decide to go to a security body. Women years ago no were capable of entering this body by the rejection that suffered, but today this rejection barely exists. Working in a profession that you like is fundamental, for cases that we have seen it is necessary to have vocation and delivery, but this vocation makes the way to achieve this is less expensive. From here we encourage all women who are preparing an opposition which does not cease in its efforts and continue fighting as any other opponent because the reward is worth. Original author and source of the article.

Management Skills

MANAGEMENT and know listen to Carlos Mora Vanegas many managers are failing their interrelations personal, especially with his team, because they have neglected, have not cultivated tolerance of listening, very important aspect that should know handle. What are the reasons that prevent that achieves is listening? What prevents it? How to achieve this? they are topics that must be considered by the Manager, if you really want help to express a full identification with the needs, concerns that his subordinates want to manifest. In an analysis on this topic Alexis Hill reports us, that the ability of listening is more difficult to find and develop that the be good Communicator, but provides more authority and influence than the latter, say specialists. If you are good Communicator, but can’t hear, it risks eloquently express things that do not interest his interlocutor. In addition, you will be deprived of receiving information and knowledge that other means would not be. Goleman, gives us that among the benefits of listening are the following: elevates the self-esteem of spoken, because it allows you to feel that what it says is important for the listener and, with this, the communication and interrelation are made more fluid, respectful and pleasant. Allows the listener to identify interests and feelings of the speaker and, thus, it may be more effective in communicating with your partner.

The potential of conflict was reduced due to misinterpretations in communications. You will learn the knowledge and perceptions of the other. Wide frame of reference, culture and interests of the listener. Who listen carefully, projects an image of respect and intelligence. Surely we all heard the expression that so-and-so is wise, which carefully listens to you when you talk. Schein, complains that interrupt others is one of the most common and destructive communication behaviors. The majority of people usually have little awareness of how frequent and rudely interrupt others, convinced that he has to say something more important than what goes on to say that was talking.

Multicoloured Event

One of the greatest obstacles to achieve the success in the life is the human apathy. It is an attitude towards the life that is very frequent, unfortunately also is often in young people. Basically it is a lack of motivation that does not allow that our genius is pronounced. Simply we stopped waiting for more for morning than we lived nowadays. The life is transformed this way into a gray sequence of monotonous events with a sudden dye of color and over there, – if we have luck. This one mental state is product of an extreme passivity towards the life.

Sometimes it is caused by the hopelessness, but the majority of the times is product of an erroneous education. It is a typical mentality of a person who lives according to exigencies other people’s to him or she. The motto is: ” It tell me what I must do and when to do it, I I will follow the instructions, you pay to me and both we will be contentments. What has of bad that? Much. This one type of attitude never is going to achieve the success. It only looks for to please and to satisfy the requirements with others.

And it is not going to take to the personal development that is necessary to reach a total life. If You are tired to live a mediocre life, can take a step today and begin to be developed. It allows that its creativity arises by means of a process of independent education. It follows these 7 steps and it returns to bring kaleidoscopio of colors to his life: 1. – It unearths those dreams. All great profit began with a dream and at this moment there is one in his heart. 2. – It discovers his talents and unique abilities. It will find probably them in the activities that choose in their free time. Near friendly also can help him to identify their strengths. 3. – It finds out as it can develop to his talents and abilities still more. One does not worry if it seems to him a mammoth task, simply takes a step. But it begins today! 4. – It is arranged to work hard. The success will not fall of the sky. Each change that one wishes to do in the life means a effort. It takes the determination from being diligent. It thinks that it will enchant to him to learn something on the area that gets passionate to him more. 5. – It finds by except a good mentor. It can be in the form of a book, a course or a personal mentor. The Internet is an excellent source nowadays. 6. – Fjese I put of medium and long term that wanted to reach. A goal is only a dream with a date top. Antelas! 7. – One approaches his Creator. That is it will maintain what it with the eyes put in the goal with faith when the things are put arduous.

Attention Quantity

As we commented, already there are accessible financial products from Internet with a telephone, as it happens with CREDITOMOVIL.ES, company that simply grants to loans of small quantity with a request through their page Web ( or the own movable telephone, being able to obtain the credit of an agile and simple way. With CREDITOMOVIL.ES, Spanish of the financial holding company Ferratum Group marks, can be chosen to loans of small quantity without needing transacting red tape some. For amounts that oscillate between the 50 Euros for an unexpected commitment, until the 300 Euros for an unforeseen circumstance in the home, being able to accede to this loan to the consumption of small quantity without endorsement only in 10 minutes. To be 21 years old and not to be in no file of Spanish dilatoriness, are the unique requirements essential to have immediate liquidity and to satisfy that small necessity that arises to us and to that we do not want to resign or by that we did not wish to hope beyond 15 days. The credits of small granted by CREDITOMOVIL.ES in Spain, must like objective satisfy immediate economic needs, a not planned extraordinary cost, a gift surprise or even unfortunate a familiar failure.

In this way they cover any necessity with unexpected liquidity of his clients with total agility and guarantee. More information in: Telephone of Attention to the client: 902052383, email:, Web: On Creditomovil Creditomovil of Ferratum Group is a financier of Finnish origin dedicated to the concession of loans of small quantity. Present in more than 15 countries in Europe, Ferratum Group is leader in the sector offering to the fast operative market, an effective one and is transparent like solution to problems of immediate liquidity. With loans of small quantity that are going from the 50 Euros to the 300 Euros and to give back in a period of 15 days, Creditomovil offers an immediate solution since the enter the account of the clients can be made cash in ten minutes less than. The proceeding to formalize these loans is free of any type of red tape already that the requests through the page Web or by SMS are realised, sending a text message to the 27227.

Journalism on Single Women

The writer EP and Argentine investigative journalist Jorge Fernandez Diaz signing this collection of stories. A fraught with book of stories with fictional characters inhabit where melancholy and feeling. Its pages bullen stories of great Argentine journalists as Tomas Eloy Martinez, Cristian Alarcon or Martin Caparros. The Argentine writer Jorge Fernandez Diaz pays tribute to the feminine universe in his latest book, more single women in the world (key intellectual). The author is journalist with extensive experience in Argentina, where he worked as Secretary of the newspaper La Nacion. For thirty-two years he has been journalist research and events, political analyst and editor of newspapers and editor of magazines. He was Deputy Director of people and news director. He created and founded adnCultura, the cultural supplement of the newspaper La Nacion of Buenos Aires.

The author of the bestseller chronic breast of the life of his mother who sold 20 editions in Argentina and five in Spain, now tells a story of women subjugated by loneliness. As, for example, that dam that after killing her husband finds her true freedom in jail by reading, or that great journalist who, after having met the most important people in the world, discovered, about to die, that the only important thing of his life it was a love that never was. Journalistic poetry this new book is full of stories full of fictional characters inhabit where melancholy and feeling, rooted in what the author calls the lyrical ability of journalism: that power to construct fictitious narratives masked in the technique of the Chronicle to tell the lives of nonexistent people, but that could have existed. For this reason, this book of stories is first and foremost a tribute to journalism. In its pages bullen stories of great Argentine journalists as Tomas Eloy Martinez, Cristian Alarcon and Martin Caparros, as well as Chronicles on the day of the newsrooms of newspapers and the unrestrained pursuit of the news. Journalism is not accustomed to narrate the feeling of the people, says the writer in the afterword of this volume.

Fernandez Diaz is the author of El dilemma de los proceres: Sherlock Holmes and the mystery of the masked argentino (1997); Fernandez (2006); Hearts unleashed (2007); The lodge of Cadiz, the second life of the flowers, the brotherhood of Honor and MOM (2002). A career recognized in the Latin American author having contained the Columbus Medal, which was awarded the Spanish Government and the Spanish community in Argentina, the Konex Platinum award to the best writer of the Decade and recently the Atlantis, with which the editors of Catalonia awarded his journalistic work in favor of the books. He has been awarded also the Medal of bicentenary (2010) as a reward for his journalistic and literary work. And in 2012 has been decorated by Spain with the cross of the order Isabella the Catholic, in recognition of their contributions to culture and to the friendship of the two countries. * Get a copy of more single women in the world at PopularLibros. See more: A tribute to the feminine universe and journalism in more single women in the world

Vologda Hotels

The town itself is quite old Vologda. Its history dates back to pre-Mongol period. No exact date, but some should be considered in 1147. The first mention of the city was seen in literacy, which describes the relationship of Prince Jaroslav Yaroslavovich and the city of Novgorod. In the charter it was stated that the city of Vologda Novgorod was a municipality.

Today Vologda is quite interesting destination for tourists. Arriving there, you can visit the regional art gallery, located at Holy Resurrection Cathedral, which holds works of ancient, Russian, Soviet and Western art. Vologda, located on the shores of the house – a monument Peter I. Also of note are the architectural sights, like the Vologda State Historical-Architectural and Art Museum, which is also called Vologda Kremlin, the house-museum of the poet K. Batjushkov, Shalamov's Museum, the Savior Prilutsky monastery museum world of forgotten things, "" House of Merchant Samarin, "and much more.

What would reconsider all – one day, of course, will be small. On this sleduetopredelitsya the hotel for overnight. Choose Vologda hotel is really difficult, because their in the city there are many. Leading among them is the hotel Saviour. There are quite a wide range of European level, which includes enhanced comfort food, accommodation and leisure facilities. It is interesting that this hotel is located in the historic city center. Another leader is considered a good enough hotel Nicholas Hotel & Club, located in one and the elite districts of Vologda. Due to its location a little away from the busy road, it seems a complete removal from everyday life and bustle. It should also be noted a hotel with a name that is identical with the town – a hotel "Vologda". It is one of the most wonderful representatives of this city. Hotel "Vologda" quite conveniently located near the station that allows you to easily find it. Except for a standard set of services offered at the hotel Vologda you can get dental, cosmetic and legal services. Choosing, Vologda Hotels do not forget to specify the full range of services offered, and decide for yourself what services you really need them. For example, not all hotels provide WI-FI Internet access, and if you need it – to clarify its presence at the reception.

Cashplaya Analysis

After to include the different forms well that exist in the Internet on as to take advantage of the network to become a productive human being is possible to emphasize that every time they exist but products with better performance and its creators manage such degree of specialization in the art to teach their knowledge that already vislumbram true virtual universities in area like Marketing, and to these systems can be entered without making majors investments. It has many but just a few of these systems of Support and trade in Spanish deserve to be taken care of and reviewed with interest, since true chameleons exist that disfrasan either their products very so that these parescan to count the necessary thing yet to obtain an adapted training, nevertheless is enough with reviewing or the aspects biographical of the creators and inquiring on the own specifications into a product leader, all this can be solved by means of the Internet without cost some, the first step is here to googlear that is to say, before but minimal suspicion simply is placed the information to consider in any there aparecera motor search and great amount of data, in whatever and my search of best products to affect positively my life and the one of my close friends. I have managed great advances due to my dedication and disposition to learn suitably before to have initiated my incursion in the marketing world, that is the true secret for the Success, that is to say dedication and learning. A system of virtual trade designed good would count between its attributes first being in format of Videotutorial, which contributed great quality to the transmission of knowledge, and not in format ebook, because actually that guide by a book was in great disadvantage with the aspects that cannot understand, whereas this demonstrated that the visual aprendisaje is of suitable character but and I practice for that learns..