Organization And Productivity The Art Of Delegating For Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs face great barriers when it comes to delegate part of his duties. Learn how to master the art of delegating. You can achieve greater organization and productivity, reducing their stress levels and increasing their welfare. You want to delegate but you can’t? One of the great difficulties we face lone entrepreneurs is to learn to delegate. Many times we think we want to delegate but at the end we find a thousand reasons for not doing so. It seems that everything indicates that delegate is mission impossible.

Some examples to illustrate this: – I want to delegate but can not find the right person – I want to delegate but I can not afford it – I want to delegate but I don’t have time to train the person – I want to delegate but I don’t know where to begin or how it could list countless situations that seem to compel us to continue doing everything alone. We, the lone entrepreneurs Stoics! Then? How and what to do? The first step will be to understand if delegate adds value or not. Quantifying this can actually validate that investment (in time or) money) worth. And I emphasize the word penalty because lone entrepreneurs, in fact, we love being in everything! He begins reflecting sincerely if you actually choose to delegate. For this, makes the following brief exercise: complete the following sentences:-if I had more free time would devote a – take Me much time performing – I don’t like having to make the process of delegation. To illustrate the process of delegation, following present example my situation like lender of services: as a virtual assistant I am accustomed to guide – or collaborate with – my clients in the delegation process. Normally, like all good entrepreneurs solitary, aren’t people accustomed to delegating. And here is where the professional virtual assistants add value: we shall assume this process, guiding our clients and showing them that way to use our services. In my case, usually during the first meetings with my clients, we list all the tasks that performs together.


When we set ourselves to perform removals on our own, think of the material we will need, in the things that we will bring in rental vans for removals, in how you organize packages inside the van, getting material for packing but forget about one important aspect: how the moves affect our health. So today, in the section dedicated to the removals and transfers that we want to start this article, want to devote a chapter to give different advice so that our body and mind do not suffer any detriment: from planning the move in advance to avoid nerves to distribute the weight properly. When we start moving, and if we do it on our own, we have to be very farsighted and organized to avoid stressful situations from arising. Let us remember that nerves aren’t good companions and can result in stressful situations, discussions and even loss of objects. To avoid the nerves should be that we organize everything with time, nothing of leaving it to the last two days.

Therefore it is highly recommended to start early to pack those objects that we will not use in the short term, for example the clothing from other seasons, occasional use appliances, toys, etc. It should also let the day of the transfer to children with a family member or friend to avoid that they are in the Middle armando jaleo. Another recommendation is renting the van with time. If we can assure us from the first moment as well as avoid possible hassles when, for whatever reason, our rental Office does not have availability, what is clear is that the sooner we make the rent, us cheaper cost. So remember come on organizational aspects so that, come the day, everything is much easier. Another important aspect is that of the lesions. We must not forget that if we are going to perform the full transfer ourselves will make a great effort in a short time, and in addition we will be lifting weight continuously, one of the worst things for our back.


When you need to save your stuff in a minibodega, you can use the following tips: Sofa. If you want to take advantage of your floor space in the minibodega, you can put you foot and cover everything with a blanket. If your upholstery is leather, not place objects over!, otherwise they could be marked. Beds. Disarm them and don’t forget to list the parts.

Isn’t that when you try to assemble them again do not remember how. Refrigerators. Before storing your refrigerator in a minibodega clean it! and allow to dry completely. Take advantage of the empty spaces inside and puts small items. Articles of glass. As for mirrors and pictures in your minibodega, wrap separately in plastic bubble. Do it often but not daily, since they may tarnish over time. Tie them with a thick thread and tag them with fragile legend.

You can put them in the corners of laminibodega. Tables. You can put your table upside down and put a blanket. So make use the space to put up more boxes. If you have the possibility, disassemble and save the legs in a box to facilitate subsequent Assembly. Lamps. Wrap them with paper and plastic bubble. Store them in a box and label fragile, thus will be more difficult to break while inside the minibodega. Electrical appliances. VCRs, DVD, mini-system, TVs, etc. Wrap with plastic bubble and keep it in a box with a label that says: fragile. Documents. Store them in boxes of the same size to good use of space and places legends with a description of what you are saving. So you have a more usable space inside your minibodega.

Blog Categories

Maintain an order of categories in your Blog should be something that you do almost mandatory. But many people seem to not know how to do it. Here are 5 tips that I hope to help you: the category names should be descriptive: the categories are made so that even a reader who appears for the first time on your Blog can know where to go. The categories say a lot about your Blog, and when someone comes and those categories do not guide you on what you will see inside, it is very possible that you go to another Blog. Limits the total number of categories: there’s a reason why are called categories, instead of each of the posts that are written in this Blog.

Said this does not have to create a category for every post that you’re writing. Every Blog should have a well-defined categories, which you were including the posts belonging to each of them. A new category should be created only when strictly necessary. Keep the categories in a part of the Blog without scrolling: If I were to ask how many categories you should put in your Blog simply I’d say: depends. Some Blogs work very well with few categories, while others may need 10 or 20. You have to make sure is that the categories are all at once, without having the reader to scroll. Imagine that I am looking for a specific post and I have to lower and lower by categories, probably when you reach the last not I will remember the first. Try to place your posts only in one category: when you write a posts tries to put you always in a single category.

Forget monthly archives or calendars, because the time in which the post was normally written is not relevant, so I force the reader to be the only way to find my posts via categories. That said, if each posts flagged message in different categories, the reader would meet the same posts again and again, which is quite heavy. Exceptions can be made when really a posts accommodated in several categories, but these situations tend to be very exceptional. Shows the number of Post in each category: If your Blog platform allows you to display the number of post per category. This allows the reader knows more or less what to find if you are going to that category, and gives you an initial overview of which are the most visited categories from your Blog. You want to learn WordPress and use all these tips?