Modem Routers

Router 3 G 3 G, often called 3 G modem, routers are teams whose function is to provide Internet access via mobile telephony to a device or to a local network machines, according to modem or router/modem. 3 G routers employ SIM card to validate the network, use of communication technology with better coverage by be multi-band (HSPA, 3 G, GPRS) and can be internal or external (PCMCIA, USB, Wi-Fi). Features 3 G modem and 3 G routers expressions are generic terms that are used interchangeably to refer to the electronic devices capable of providing access to the mobile Internet. In general, in places where there is the possibility of having a connection through a telephone landline ADSL or cable, these represent the best option for connecting to the Internet. But sometimes they can be suitable 3 G routers, if there is no coverage of fixed area connection or if it’s a project of short duration, despite the lower quality and higher cost of the connection. Modem or Router: Although both terms are colloquially used alike, they are not the same, 3 G routers enable Internet access to computers on a LAN, while modems only allow access to a single computer. SIM card: to authenticate to the network of the operator, 3 G routers must use SIM card, and can take it integrated or clip-on through slot.

Coverage: 3 G routers usually multi-band, using technology more appropriate coverage at each time, switching between 3 G, HSPA and GPRS without losing the connection, only modifying the bandwidth. Additional features: 3 G routers often have advanced networking such as firewall, DHCP server, DNS name server or packet filtering. Types have several options to achieve the functionality offered by devices called routers 3 G: 3 G Modem: no work as a router, modem, they only have function so it just give service to a single computer, do not allow to share the connection. They can be external, with interface PCMCIA or USB, or internal, when the modem is integrated in the computer itself. In addition, some 3 G USB modem have a Wi-Fi base that functions as a router. 3 G modem/Routers: acting as a modem and router, allowing to share the connection and that all machines on a local network can access the Internet simultaneously with a single external IP. They are external equipment, such as the so-called 3 G Wi – Fi Routers, and often have interface Ethernet and Wi-Fi, also functioning as a gateway, switch and wireless access point. Mobile phones as 3 G routers: currently it is possible to get Internet access from an electronic device using mobile phones as routers 3 G, being the only necessary requirement that both teams are capable of communicating among themselves, providing to it several options of connectivity, as data cable, infrared port Infrared Data Association (IRDA), Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Source: Router 3 G source: press release sent by fransberns.

British Antarctic Survey

Almost the double the average for the rest of the world’s oceans. Apart from having effects on ecosystems (eg. Melting sea ice, affecting the growth of algae on its surface), warming reduces the ability of the ocean to absorb CO2. There is speculation that global warming could, via closure or decreased thermal circulation, cause a cooling located in the North Atlantic and lead to cooling, or lesser warming to that region. This would in particular affect areas such as Scandinavia and Britain that are warmed by the North Atlantic current.

More significantly, it could lead to an oceanic anoxic condition. The possibility of this collapse in circulation is not clear; There is some evidence for the current stability of the Gulf and possible weakening of the North Atlantic current. However, the degree of weakening, and whether it will be enough for the closure of the circulation, is in debate still. However no cooling was not found in the Northern Europe and nearby seas. indicates that the American Space Agency (NASA) Icesat satellite has revealed ice from glaciers in Greenland and parts of Antarctica is melting at a record pace, causing the concern of scientists who warn of the significant implications that will have this phenomenon in the future in relation to the increase in the level of the oceans.According to the BBC published today, a British team of experts concluded, after studying the satellite data, that the complete melting of the Greenland ice sheet would raise the level of the sea around seven metres. All the glaciers that are rapidly changing which flow into the sea, recently explained the researcher from the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), Hamish Pritchard.

The U.S. President, Barack Obama, recently launched a passionate appeal to countries to reach an agreement on climate change to avoid an irreversible catastrophe. Although the positions are still distant, and the hardest part is ahead for reaching an agreement at the Copenhagen meeting, in December, that will replace the Kyoto Protocol, the difficulty is no excuse for complacency, said the American President in his appearance at the Summit on climate change that took place yesterday in the UN. 100 Leaders from around the world gathered at United Nations to attend this Forum convened by the Secretary general, Ban Ki-Moon, and zoom positions for a cut in emissions of polluting gases.

Mother Superior

And I can not avoid a little desire to go back to her room and find out once which has been the whereabouts of his cute and delicate body. It is not difficult to find the hole that gives to your bedroom. Or enter. But it is not possible! there! bed! there is she! and is alive! but how? I do not know. But I had never felt so immense relief.

Sees me, and jump of the bed running towards me, giving a huge scream, and with a smile on his face: Yosira! Hello!. Leans a little to see my eyes closely: Hello! Are you well?, Yes, I’m better. What good that you came. I wanted to teach something, a few horrifying sounds coming from outside the room interrupt the girl, and capture our curiosity. Us peep a little, and in the Hall we can see to the two ladies who already had I seen in that room.

This time were crying with a lot more force: Mother Superior, this cannot be. How did this happen? Who is responsible for so horrible do tragedy?, calm down, Professor. I assure you that we soon find out it. We have already informed the police. There is nothing to fear., but who would be so heartless to commit this atrocity?, that will soon know it. For now, it is best that other girls are not aware of this. We must not scare them., but her friends don’t they deserve at least dismiss it?, of course not! By very inhumane as it may seem, we can not risk to panic to invade them. They are just girls! Would not tolerated this., and what will we do then?, will tell Les that to Alexandra, they have taken it already. But his new family came from far away, and therefore had to leave in haste. He had no time to say goodbye In other words, they have killed it! Insurance that will appear on the front page tomorrow!, have already said you you calme! The death of this small is a sad fact, he is right.


One of the most important elements of security systems available today – video camera surveillance. This versatile tool used for tracking both indoors (offices, shops, apartments) and outside (the street). This type of camera allows you to monitor the perimeter of the building, approached him and to record all events. The constituent parts of video surveillance are: power supply, housing, lens, board with the scheme of signal processing plug-ins. Conventionally divided into the camera steady and controlled (outdoor and indoor). Outdoor Camera consists of two main modules: video system and housing (housing that allows you to protect the camera from moisture and mechanical damage to the dust). Since the cameras to the streets should operate continuously, in ThermoJacket inserted heating devices to store the camera is.

Video system forms a camcorder that can transmit both color and black-and-white image. Choose a suitable cell based on the goals to protect and conserve security facility. Street surveillance cameras are divided into the following types: classic and vandal-proof camera camcorder. Vandal-proof cameras are installed in high-risk areas and la protection bad weather (rain). For a more accurate image transfer from the camcorder to a monitor to observe the basic rules on selection and installation of surveillance cameras: – Organization of lighting (especially important when using color video cameras). Light source get into the lens for this camera install in the direction of the light flux and as high off the ground. If you need to install video cameras in the immediate proximity to the light source should opt for the camcorder with the option of fixing the electronic shutter on the exponent 1 / 120, to exclude the occurrence of flicker in the video broadcast. – Temperature. For the normal functioning of surveillance cameras are chosen specialized casings that can handle video cameras and in the event the most difficult situations.