
The Minergie-P-ECO plus family house SOL-ARCH m SOL-ARCH m detached house full of innovations in collaboration with the architectural firm Jurg realized the construction rule of Schindler Wegmuller ( and fries in Matten bei Interlaken BE a spectacular plus energy House. The House meets the Minergie-P-ECO and features world’s latest technologies. The architect and Minergieexperte Andreas Walker from Schwanden-Sigriswil stressed that it this to the first plus energy house built in the Switzerland this building category is, which was realized according to Minergie-P-eco criteria. Walker estimates the extra cost compared with a standard building to around 8 percent. The Minergie-P-ECO plus family house SOL-ARCH m active construction rule as future residents acted Stefano fries already in advance with a vision: The OASIS was our guiding principle from the outset. He explains this as: \”we wanted a House with a high quality of living, the at the same time ecologically clean. works..

Together with his wife Agnes, he put together a criteria sheet and handed this to develop an offer three prestigious architectural firms from the whole Switzerland. Finally the ecological aspect came not too short even when the definitive choice of architects: with the architectural firm of Jurg Schwanden Walker from a scheduler from the region, succeeded fries the best to meet the needs of Agnes and Stefano. Self-sufficient living finally the ecological aspect not too short was also the definitive choice of architects: Jurg architecture Office, Walker from Schwanden managed a scheduler from the region, fries the best to meet the needs of Agnes and Stefano and he was allowed to take the project of plus energy House in attack. As Switzerland’s first of its kind was realized it according to Minergie-P-eco criteria, the \”strictest label, that there is, how architect Andreas Walker to this newspaper to Protocol provides. He described the House as a kind of Power, as it by means of Photovoltaic and photo thermal elements three times more energy can generate, as by the residents during the year for heating, hot water and electricity consumed.

Prefabricated House

Many construction interested associate a linen and completely prefabricated house, which must be not necessarily so with the term prefabricated house. Primarily, the word refers to the fact that individual House members are produced before the actual start of construction prefabricated house. For this task, bio-solar house awards the contract to selected and qualified timber construction companies from a growing network. Through the pre-Assembly of larger wall and ceiling elements can greatly reduce the construction time as well within a short time a closed House shell ensure that protects the House from weather conditions such as rain or snow. Due to the consistently dry design, a further advantage of the prefabricated house – construction of bio-solar house, through which no waiting enter for a drying process such as in stone houses, can short maintained uninterrupted construction accordingly. Elaborate installation work of channels for ventilation systems, as it is a highly insulated House are most common In addition to the scrupulously perform air tightness as the passive house standard through the application of the patented House-not necessary in principle of the House. In the past was the prefab said often that individual plans are limited. The bio-solar house is planned in principle individually, however an ideal alignment ensures energy benefits a special piece of quality of life. The individuality not only refers to the plan itself. So also the building geometry and roof form of prefab House can be ideally adapted the appropriate requirements and. Thus, the construction of multi-family homes, semi-detached or terraced houses is possible in addition to the realization of a single-family house. A prefabricated House must be also not necessarily a turnkey House. Bio-solar house offers also fixed stages in addition to individual: self Bauhaus: in this prefab stage you bio-solar house in addition to all planning and architectural services provides the supporting structure and leads Cellulose insulation out. One of our supervised engineers the builders during the entire construction phase and is available with help and advice. Self Bauhaus plus: the complete roof covering in addition runs at this stage. Ausbauhaus: An Ausbauhaus includes external to ready the facade design house with the Windows and doors, as well as the winter garden. The Interior can then even be done or are done through the procurement of local artisans. Interested have the possibility in the sunny Park St. Alban in various prefabricated houses to the trial to live and this not only to visited, but to convince themselves of the special advantages of this prefab House construction. In addition to detailed advice, there is the possibility to create a House planning for a small fee. More information, see interested under the Internet address. The bio-solar house company headquartered in the Palatine St. Alban plans for nearly 20 years after the patented House-the House principle Bio-solar house as own Bauhaus, Ausbauhaus and turnkey House. In the sunny Park are a total of 6 houses to the per-dwelling available.