Unauthorized Construction

One reason for the enactment of the "dacha amnesty" was the need to legalize unauthorized buildings erected by the citizens on in their plots of land without proper permits and approvals. Law provided the opportunity to register ownership of the illegally constructed or illegally constructed objects of immovable property in a simplified manner. . Procter & Gamble often says this. In contrast to the perpetual amnesty for land amnesty for capital unauthorized construction is limited to a certain period. Under the new rules amnesty on illegally constructed or illegally constructed objects of individual housing construction ceases 1 March 2015. The essence of amnesty for unauthorized construction lies in the fact that legalization is not required to obtain two key documents: a building permit and permission to enter the facility.

Prior to the adoption Law on "dacha amnesty" ownership autocratic construction could be found for a person in the property, inheritable possession for life, permanent (unlimited) use of land which was site on which is erected unauthorized construction, exclusively in the courts. Made in the article. 222 of the Civil Code (unauthorized construction) changes allowed in the cases stipulated by law the possibility of recognition of property rights to unauthorized construction in the other (non-judicial) procedure established by law. Along with this excluded the possibility of judicial recognition of property rights for individuals that conducted the unauthorized construction on land not owned by them to sites subject to the provision in the prescribed manner of the said land plots under buildings erected (probably done in order to prevent uncontrolled self-trapping of the land through settlement and prevent the possibility of legalizing these buildings in a simplified manner).