World Championship

The Spanish hoped traced the points difference with the leader. They now separate us 44 points. The new attempt starts this weekend. The next appointment of the Championship is this weekend in San Marino. Slayer has many thoughts on the issue. The Spanish rider Jorge Lorenzo confident traced the points difference with the Australian rider Casey Stoner, current leader of the world of MotoGP, which praises after winning the Grand Prix of Indianapolis, which considers is performing a flawless season. The current champion of the MotoGP category is located forty-four points behind the Australian, but Lorenzo is confident that hope is the last thing that is lost, as he has declared the Majorcan pilot on his blog. They now separate us 44 points. Whenever Dustin Moskovitz listens, a sympathetic response will follow.

The new clipping attempt starts this weekend. I’m going direct to San Marino, without going through House. I hope recover me well until Friday, said Lorenzo. The Spanish are has rolled back in praise towards Stoner, which considered unstoppable, already or asphalt that all pilots have complained has been able to stop it. Casey is doing a flawless season. He has not committed nor a single error in race and single zero accumulated was at Jerez, where Rossi threw it. Otherwise I would have rated at all, added Lorenzo. The World Championship does not rest and the next appointment of the Championship is the next weekend at the San Marino circuit, a path where the Majorcan hopes to have more luck than in two recent awards, since Misano is a circuit where Lorenzo achieved good results in all categories and for which it is ready for battle.

Gallery Ivory Press

Install Moby in a suite where you hear the murmur of people having a drink on the terrace of the hotel can be a problem. If in addition the tobacco smoke reaches you, it can be dramatic. While the wizard explains these basic circumstances responsible for the hotel ME Madrid, New York musician shows docile to the photographer. It says that your camera is almost equal, a Canon EOS 5 d Mark II, but with which poses is the spontaneous photos, a Canon Powershot S95. 3D Systems spoke with conviction. With these you have configured the book Destroyed, that have been released as a complement to their self-titled album and which serves as a diary of his life on the road. This afternoon, at eight, will be signing copies at the Gallery Ivory Press in Madrid, where you can buy the original framed by 575 euros plus VAT, each one. Source of the news:: the poetics of the forklift

Contemporary Art

The pictures are from authors who have roots in the artistic movement of the Western Desert (Western desert), covering the immense territory Aboriginal artists (600,000 square kilometers, nearly 100,000 more than Spain) of the same name, much occupied by desert areas (great sandy desert, Gibson desert and little sandy desert). The miracle of Papunya contemporary explosion of the artistas-aborigenes of Western Australia was born in the small town of Papunya, 240 km northwest of Alice Springs, a remote and desolate place that the authorities had designated, at the end of the 1960s, as aborigines displaced forcibly forced destination. The small place, Geoffrey Bardon school teacher suggested that in 1971 a group of neighbors that other one of the outer walls of the compound. What began as a humble form of occupational therapy became a miracle: men of the area arrived daily to the town to paint their dreams, as he was called to the stories that used to draw in the sand of the deserts during ritual ceremonies and secretras. Over time the artists of Papuya, who have formed a co-operative and have become a school that has exposed his works throughout the world.

The National Museum of Australia has a dazzling background. The most renowned of the Aboriginal painters of the initial group are perhaps Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri and Johnny Warangkula. Living Water, Contemporary Art of the Far Western Desert shows how the initial outbreak has spread to other areas of Australia, above all the communities of the tribe pintupi of Kintore and Kiwirrkur, in the Gibson desert, which are now the places of more artistic activity. The organizers of the exhibition highlights that the artistic communities of Aboriginal people, composed of men and women, do not understand the painting as a purely plastic discipline, but as a means of carrying the sanctity of life. Pictures of the represented artists, all made during the first decade of the 21st century and with modern materials (plastic acrylic paint, by) example), they resonate with the power of the old and new to tell tjukurrpa (stories), they say. The Living Water (living water) title describes the ability of the artist to represent ground water flows and travel through them in a spiritual way. Source of the news: the splendor of contemporary Australian Aboriginal art shines in a collective exhibition in Victoria

Commissioner Josep Lluis Trapero

/ Responsible for the riot Brigade has been one of the 200 winners on the occasion of the celebration of the day of their brackets. The feast of the day of the brackets has been concluded between the protests of a hundred people against police charges in Placa Catalunya. The Department of Interior of the Catalan Generalitat has decorated this Friday a person in charge of the riot Brigade of the Mossos d police, among the more than 200 medals for merit that has delivered on the occasion of the celebration of the day of their squads, feast of the Catalan police. In a ceremony held at the National Auditorium of Catalonia, Sergeant Joan Capdevila, Catalan Police Mobile Brigade, has received the Bronze Medal with the blue badge of the Mossos d police in recognition to its ctiva public order management. The award to the person responsible for the riot Brigade, which recognizes his work carried out throughout 2010, has delivered amid audible applause from those attending the ceremony, integrated mainly by regional police officers and their families. The feast day of the brackets, presided over by the Minister of Interior, Felip Puig, and that it has started with the traditional mass which was suppressed with the Governments of the tripartite, was held amid the protests of a hundred people concentrated around the Auditorium in protest by police charges on May 27 in Placa Catalunya. Protesters have focused doing an acampada to demand the resignation of the Minister for the police charges and have cut off the tram by Meridiana Avenue traffic, until they have dispersed shortly before 15.00 hours, according to sources of the Guardia Urbana.

In his speech, the Minister has highlighted the security and confidence that offer the Mossos d police at a turbulent time in which we might find us in front of a new world order. Common sense, caution and prudence regarding those challenges posed by the future, Puig pointed out that the police should act with common sense, caution and prudence, and forcefulness only When it is needed and acknowledged that the Mossos d police are always, willing to receive more severe criticisms. izes the significance of this. Among the more than 200 medals that has granted the Department of the Interior on the occasion of the day of brackets, figure a medal to the Chairman of the Supreme Court and the Council General of the judiciary, Carlos Divar, in recognition of its work to strengthen collaboration between the judiciary and the Mossos d police. Also in distinction to their attitude open and positive for closer relations between both institutions, he has received a bronze medal with the Deputy Director of the anti-fraud Office of Catalonia Carles Quilez blue distinctive, accused in a court case investigating a pattern of alleged police corruption linked to drug trafficking. Quilez, whom the judge suspected that he allegedly accepted gifts from a police informer in exchange for information, was charged in the same court case in which the j of the anti-corruption unit of the Mossos has been (d) police, Antoni Salleras, accused of protecting drug traffickers. Precisely, the value of that sub-inspector imputed is has rrido today in his speech the Commissioner Josep Lluis Trapero, who has been in charge of reading a few words of thanks on behalf of the award winners. Source of the news: receives amid protests to a person in charge of the Catalan Riot Brigade

Journalism on Single Women

The writer EP and Argentine investigative journalist Jorge Fernandez Diaz signing this collection of stories. A fraught with book of stories with fictional characters inhabit where melancholy and feeling. Its pages bullen stories of great Argentine journalists as Tomas Eloy Martinez, Cristian Alarcon or Martin Caparros. The Argentine writer Jorge Fernandez Diaz pays tribute to the feminine universe in his latest book, more single women in the world (key intellectual). The author is journalist with extensive experience in Argentina, where he worked as Secretary of the newspaper La Nacion. For thirty-two years he has been journalist research and events, political analyst and editor of newspapers and editor of magazines. He was Deputy Director of people and news director. He created and founded adnCultura, the cultural supplement of the newspaper La Nacion of Buenos Aires.

The author of the bestseller chronic breast of the life of his mother who sold 20 editions in Argentina and five in Spain, now tells a story of women subjugated by loneliness. As, for example, that dam that after killing her husband finds her true freedom in jail by reading, or that great journalist who, after having met the most important people in the world, discovered, about to die, that the only important thing of his life it was a love that never was. Journalistic poetry this new book is full of stories full of fictional characters inhabit where melancholy and feeling, rooted in what the author calls the lyrical ability of journalism: that power to construct fictitious narratives masked in the technique of the Chronicle to tell the lives of nonexistent people, but that could have existed. For this reason, this book of stories is first and foremost a tribute to journalism. In its pages bullen stories of great Argentine journalists as Tomas Eloy Martinez, Cristian Alarcon and Martin Caparros, as well as Chronicles on the day of the newsrooms of newspapers and the unrestrained pursuit of the news. Journalism is not accustomed to narrate the feeling of the people, says the writer in the afterword of this volume.

Fernandez Diaz is the author of El dilemma de los proceres: Sherlock Holmes and the mystery of the masked argentino (1997); Fernandez (2006); Hearts unleashed (2007); The lodge of Cadiz, the second life of the flowers, the brotherhood of Honor and MOM (2002). A career recognized in the Latin American author having contained the Columbus Medal, which was awarded the Spanish Government and the Spanish community in Argentina, the Konex Platinum award to the best writer of the Decade and recently the Atlantis, with which the editors of Catalonia awarded his journalistic work in favor of the books. He has been awarded also the Medal of bicentenary (2010) as a reward for his journalistic and literary work. And in 2012 has been decorated by Spain with the cross of the order Isabella the Catholic, in recognition of their contributions to culture and to the friendship of the two countries. * Get a copy of more single women in the world at PopularLibros. See more: A tribute to the feminine universe and journalism in more single women in the world

Controversial Cartoons

La Rose Revolution movement has organized a protest in front of the headquarters of the SEGO for this Wednesday by bullets published. They placed a rose on the door of the Spanish society of Gynecology at Madrid and will ask at end to obstetric violence. The Spanish society of Gynecology publishes vignettes that ridicule women. The Rose Revolution movement has organized for this Wednesday afternoon a protest outside the headquarters of the Sociedad Espanola de Ginecologia y Obstetricia (SEGO) by the controversial cartoons published in its electronic newsletter. The slogans of the concentration, that will take place in the 190 Habana Paseo de Madrid and other Spanish cities councils, are Messrs. and SARS.

Sego are not a joke and I do not laugh, do me not grace. In addition, they will ask the end of obstetric violence and placed a rose on the door. The controversy jumped last Tuesday, when he brought to light a few bullets, work of Dr. Javier Server Gosalvez, who joked about the practice of a caesarean section, made fun of obese women with uterine prolapse and low cultural level, which the gynecologist had drawn for the electronic Gazette of SEGO. Several associations, among them the childbirth is ours and the Institute for women, they have demanded the immediate withdrawal of the images and an official apology, since they believe that they are offensive and ridicule the women, besides being a clear lack of respect towards them. For its part, the SEGO announced in a statement last week that its Board of Directors is analyzing the contents of the controversial cartoons and that it was never his intention to offend anyone. Source of the news: organized a protest in front of the headquarters of the SEGO against his controversial cartoons on women

International Automobile Federation

He was going to compete in March but was canceled by the revolts in the Asian country. Then scheduled for October 30, but the change did not like anyone. At the end, the organizers have renounced that will dispute the race this year. The Formula one Bahrain Grand Prix organizers have reported that he renounce that career is dispute finally this year, a week after that the FIA recolocara test in the calendar on October 30 after his suspension by unrest in the country. The Bahrain Grand Prix, which would be the first race of the year, was canceled in March by popular in Manama revolts, and last Friday the World Council of the International Automobile Federation (FIA) announced in Barcelona that the test is rescheduled to October 30.

The return of the Bahrain GP to the calendar world forced delay of the India to 11 December, such as closure of the season after the Brazil. The resignation of the organizers returned to the first edition of the race of India on October 30 and Brazil return to close the calendar (November 27). In a statement, the Chairman of the circuit in Bahrain, Zayed R Alzayani, points out that one of the reasons for the resignation is the discomfort of the team by rescheduling the race, what would lead the World Cup until the month of December. Hopefully the year that comes, adds teams. Source of the news: the Bahrain Grand Prix organizers disclaim that you dispute in 2011