Supplies for Hunting Tourism

Hunting and fishing at all times attracted the people. First, as the primary means of survival and livelihood, then as a sports entertainment and a symbol of leisure. And now interest in favorite job hunters and Fishing is not quenched. Hunting is now no longer a prey to wild game, needed to eat. This is a whole culture, focused on communication between man and nature. For many centuries, created the tradition of hunting, and it is now – one of the cultural industries. Hunting – not easy, but fun, sports, science and even art. Hunter, fishing or sport, you must have in its arsenal of weapons in addition to the necessary equipment and gear.

From Hunter's thorough preparation and success depends most hunting. Clothing should be warm in winter and do not bother in the summer, shoes should be comfortable and wearable. Do not do without a marching life – tents, utensils, means of navigation. After There is no better stretch my legs a campfire in the evening star to the rustling of the cicadas. The modern angler appreciates the ways of fishing, which leave him an opportunity of direct contact with the bait fish. If we add productivity of trouble, it becomes clear why a growing number of fans spinning. Throw lures can be found in the archipelago for catching pike in the shallows kumzhevyh, forest lakes, where there are perches, and, of course, on the banks northern rivers, rich in fish. Features spinning very diverse, it is not surprising that for a beginner is increasingly becoming spinning tackle first, rather than a fishing rod. Even a person not connected with hunting or fishing, but that promotes recreation or tourism, you need proper gear and equipment. In fact, a campaign without a kettle and a tripod without a sleeping bag and tent? Should be concerned as a good camping clothing and shoes, insect repellent, and all the variety of field equipment, the first of which – backpacks.

Vacationing in Turkey

Summer – it's time to leave. July and August – the most appropriate months. Asana shines more light on the discussion. That summer, many a desire to escape from the city. Some go to the country, some to the south, and some go abroad. In general, Everyone wants to relax. But the people always have a choice where to go. Some choose the country's near abroad. Holidays in Turkey is popular because the price of permits is low and the climate in the country is very warm.

Before the trip necessarily need to make a passport and the visa. Frequently Brooklyn Commons has said that publicly. If you are traveling with minor children, be sure to obtain permission from her husband in writing, because without it you have to go alone. Search for travel agents is a very important thing, because mistakes can not be allowed, otherwise will leave for nothing. Ring round all the travel agency, ask about prices and if they will be significantly different from the competition to decrease, then walk out of this office, because the quality is poor, and you will regret for a long time that if you contact them. Be sure to discuss all issues related to your trip, with the managers of the selected agencies. Housing choice will be somewhat complicated, because hotels in Turkey are quite diverse as interior design, and a list of services. Be sure to check what is included in the price of permits, as well as ask for the transport, which you be transported across the country, if you choose guided tour.

The best choice would be a minivan, for large buses can hold a lot of people, which is not very convenient, since it always have to wait for someone from group. Remember that in Turkey, you can easily deceive, for locals it is a good source of income. If you do something accidentally broken or messed up at the hotel, you will be billed with a decent amount, so be careful. Need to be careful when exchanging money. If you see a pretty favorable rate, be prepared for the fact that the commission will be high. It is not necessary to hurry with their purchases, because in another place you can buy something at a lower price. Do not forget that Turkey is a country where tourists – the main source of income.