National University of the center of the PERU Faculty of engineering mechanics course: laboratory of by II report technical # 001: ZORRILLA ROJAS Jose MANUEL: eng. MARIO HUATUCO g. teaching of the II issue by course: technical report of the maintenance of the pump centrifugal 100/200 date: 22 April 2008 by _ the informed about the maintenance carried out to pump centrifugal 100/200 made Thursday, April 17, the present day, in the by laboratory of the Faculty of engineering mechanics of the University national of the center of the Peru, performing partial disassembly for maintenance for the purpose of lengthen the life of the pump spins. Whose pump is installed with a 9 Hp motor. You dismount the valves and piping.
Eventually became the socket data of their requirements for its maintenance. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 1. Machine hydraulics.-is that in which fluid exchanging its energy does not vary appreciably density in its passage through the machine, by which the design and study of the same is made the hypothesis that density is constant. Hydraulic machines are classified in turbo machines and machines positive displacement. Pump-device used for lifting, transfer or compressing liquids and gases. Defined as a mechanism capable of converting mechanical strength in hydraulics. All pumps move fluid, but this offset can be positive or not positive 2. Rotodinamicas pump-all pumps which are turbomachinery belong to this group.
These are always rotating. Its operation is bas in the euler equation; and its transmitter power body is called impeller. Rotodinamicas are called because its motion is Rotary and the dynamics of the current plays an essential role in the transmission of power. a classification of the ROTODINAMICAS pumps according to the direction of flow: radial flow, axial flow and radio axial flow pumps. Depending on the position of the shaft: horizontal axis, vertical axis and inclined shaft pumps.