Next to this series of questions, that necessarily is had to respond the Educator to confront with guarantees the boarding of the process of aid to the family, it has to consider another excellent aspect as it is the position superior of expert. One of the connotations that excel more comes given by the belief and the cultural stereotype of which the professional is the unique one who owns the objective knowledge of the reality. When not dividing the professional like unique possessor of the truth, the process acquires a greater complexity and alternatives, and it becomes a joint process of construction of minimum changes. To respond to the questions before set out entails an intense work of personal self-knowledge, since (Fertile valley, S., 1997): – It demands to worsen the ideas that are had on one same one and on the other to recognize the ways to be related in the different interpersonal situations. – A training Supposes, through what each it systematically evaluates the different interactive sequences from his own person.
– It requires to exercise itself in recognition of the possible interference of its emotions, in the situation that it must take part. To recognize the possibility of this emotional interference facilitates that this one is not transformed into an advance obstacle. It must be able to modify the weakness or the excessive emotional insertion of the Familiar Educator in a useful instrument. The balance between the emotions of the Educator and the objectives of the intervention is one of the main difficulties that must confront so that the same reach such objectives. – It demands the visualization and the fixation of objectives against a situation-problem that allows him to integrate its possibilities of change in relation to itself (intrapersonal level), with the other professionals (interpersonal level) and with the system organization-user (intersystemic level). FORMATION TO BE BASED ON THE COMPETITION OF THE PARENTS: He is advisable that the Familiar Educator recognizes that the adult people with whom works, or are going to work, have an ample vital experience generally, with its own sets or systems of ideas; they experiment world of affection and relations and own of more or less conscious form their own scale of values.