In some poems the Elves are called light-elves, associating with the elves with the Sun and consequently with the Norse god Freyr. It is not uncommon to assume that the Alfar had powers similar to the Vanir, as knowledge of the magical arts and the prediction of the future. This partnership leaves the status of demi-gods of the elves and his immortality. The elves, as well as the Vanir and the asir were venerated. There are stories where the belief that perform sacrifices to the alfar (Elves) could cure serious wounds of combat is evident. Reflecting on this topic, it is easy to think that the origin of the Valar in Tolkien’s world, could come from the relationship between the Vanir and the alfar. Relationship between the elves and the human in Norse mythology the Elves represent the human ideal, the perfection that every man should get.
This idea is reinforced by the ascension to the rank of Elf of several Nordic heroes after their death. On the other hand, the cross between elves and humans is possible in the old Norse belief. Several poems speak of relations between Elves and humans and the appearance of the first semielfos. The origin of the dwarves of the strangest things I’ve found researching the Elves is the origin of the dwarves. And it is that these also have origin in Norse mythology. The etymological roots of the word Dwarf (dwarf in Spanish) comes from the old Norse Word Dvergar. But in Norse belief this word was not used with the current meaning of dwarf, being of short stature, redheads hair, with a dense and long beard and osca appearance, but towards reference to another kind of Elf, which also were called them Dark Elves dokkalfar or svartalfar black Elves who were conceived as the Elves who lived beneath the Earth. The dvergar of Norse mythology were similar to that of humans in appearance and the alfar, although they did not have the grace and beauty of the latter.