A person can and must correct itself, but not in accordance with a norm, that either external same itself, exactly that she is most perfect of the norms. It must only correct itself in tune with the way that it is in same itself ' ' (PAVEL, apud in, HARVEST, 2004, P. 125). Thinking about establishing an initial conceptualization on what he would be ' ' listening clnica' ' , she gives credit yourself to be valid to use a counterpoint between what it is and what is not, in this task will use some concepts of Andres Levy (2001), that to the definiz it says: This work (clinical listening) does not have, therefore, nothing in common with a wall, that would consist of ' ' to make dizer' ' or to make ' ' confessar' ' occult or forgotten facts, whose rank in evidence would allow when clnicodesvendar the direction and ' ' to make it entender' ' ; With an interpretation that would be established according to formula of Ricoeur, on a' ' suspeita' ' , on the certainty that, atrazdo said, one another one to know would be pedindopara to be discovered (LEVY, 2001, p.24) (grifos ours). It is distinguished, in the citation of this author, who would not be clinical listening the service of preset interpretations, nor so little of attempts of it fits. It is perceived clinical while place of exposition and consequence understanding of the phenomena told as if present, moving away it thus from other modalities of listening: If clinical it can be defined as a clinic of the direction, its target, however, is not to restore it or to reestablish it. Of this point of view, it must be standed out that summary, assuring the order (they ibidem, p.26). It can be said of this form that in the clinic takes advantage the speech and speaks of free citizens, desejantes, that they will be ‘ ‘ ouvidos’ ‘ in its sufferings and you distress; does not stop being mere ‘ ‘ ouvintes’ ‘ organization, to the returns with a suffering, a crisis that the burrow entirely; the physician assumes citizens livings creature, desejantes and pensantes, speaking equally, as much nothing to say how much to become to know, or to meet a direction for its emotions, its souvenirs or its history, that they construct at every moment.