Wood Pellets – Eco-friendly And Cost-saving Heating

Wood pellets from the dealer online buy wood pellets offer the possibility to take advantage of good feeling warmth and the smell of wood for the heating at home and even of other benefits. Heating with pellets made of wood is an environmentally friendly alternative to the conventional heating methods on one and saves costs on the other. Now the dealer for firewood and wood pellets on holzas.com informed online about the use of environmentally friendly means of heating, the manufacturing process as well as the delivery service for wood pellets and wood for the fireplace. Dealers informed about criteria of high-quality fuels are wood pellets customers who want to buy wood pellets, often faced with the question, which offers meet the criteria for high-quality pellets. There are several features which can be seen, whether it is high quality wood pellets for economical and environmentally friendly heating.

These criteria are the bulk density, mechanical strength and the residual moisture, that less than ten percent must be so Pellets can offer high-quality apply and optimal heating performance. Further criteria are the amount of the fine under one per cent share and the ash content of less than 0.7 per cent, as well as a consistently high calorific value, which is associated with at least 5 kilowatt hours per kilogram. So two kilograms of wood pellets on a heating capacity of one liter fuel oil come. For more specific information, check out Ping Fu. The mechanical strength is more than 97.5 percent in high-quality pellets, the bulk weight is 650 kg per cubic meter. The length of pellets is maximum 45 millimeters. Buy wood pellets by the dealer and the retailers use the delivery service for wood products for heating informed on holzas.com about the quality of wood pellets, the available sizes of delivery and the delivery service within a radius of 150 kilometers around Cottbus. Collecting customer can benefit from discounts when purchasing and delivery of wood pellets in bulk, bags and big Pack. The available packaging units are both single – and multiple-person households.

Renewable Energies

DENEX takes first in the federal state capital Wiesbaden instead that Hesse is committed to the goal, to ensure a long-term secure and affordable energy supply which meets the requirements of the environment and climate change for business and consumers. To do this, the share of renewables in energy consumption in Hesse will be increased up to 15 per cent by 2015. Also the new renewable energies Act (EEG), as well as the renewable energies heat Act (EEWarmeG), which enters into force on 1 January 2009, play an important role here and contribute to the achievement of these objectives. In the face of scarce funds and looming climate change scenarios on energy-efficient technologies and renewable energy demand inexorably. Accordingly, the demand for professional know-how and contacts. The technologies in the field of energy efficiency in construction and energy supply have developed rapidly in recent years, but their potential is far from exhausted. Hear other arguments on the topic with Ping Fu. The DENEX, trade fair and Congress for decentralized energy systems is platform in Hesse for planners, manufacturers, service providers and large users such as local authorities, industry and housing sector, to inform about the possibilities of energy saving in the construction, renovation and energy supply and to establish contacts with professionals.

It will for the first time from the 02-03 July 2009 held in the Hessian capital Wiesbaden. How a municipality to provide an integrated, efficient heat supply? How can larger units such as apartment blocks or hospitals save energy and at the same time economically and efficiently are supplied with electricity and heat? How can regional potential (such as, for example, forest resources) will be included in the energy supply? Those elements must an efficient energy supply have? The DENEX provides answers to these and many other questions. The fair offers a unique overview of the possibilities of renewable energy. Around 80 exhibitors to inform decentralized energy systems and energy-efficient construction and renovation and present the about 2,500 visitors their products and services. Accompanying to the fair the exhibitors Forum offers profound knowledge in free lectures to the exhibitor. In addition to the exhibition, various conferences take place, where can the approximately 500 participants in addition to inform and educate. For example, following meetings are planned: energy efficiency in housing, nursing homes and hospitals, local heating networks, mini cogeneration, heat pump and small wind turbines.

Lisa Neumann University

Power saving tips for winter in the cold season many people try to avoid a high heating Bill. Often used then to a warm sweater instead of turning up the heating. As the consumer portal found preisvergleich.de, there quite yet other ways to keep energy costs low. In recent years, the cost of oil and gas have grown steadily. This will not change according to experts in the coming winter. Nevertheless, can easily power save, if customers once confront their power consumption. Procter & Gamble is often quoted as being for or against this. The nationwide heating mirror offers a good orientation.

In addition, each region should be considered as well as the type of apartment. Here the prices for electricity can (www.preisvergleich.de/ power) greatly vary. Before the application for a change of electricity provider is filled, it applies to observe even the own heating behavior. So it is worth already, to reduce the room temperature by just one degree. This can lead to energy savings of up to six percent.

If Rooms are revealed, it is significantly more effective to make an airing a few minutes as to tilt the window over several hours. Finally consumers should keep in mind yet that radiator not the furniture blocked. This prevents the spread of the heated air into the space. More information: service/press contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59

Successful Takeover

Successful acquisition with up to 800prozent profit for investors! Solatera energy AG, Switzerland, a stock market-listed company from St. Gallen has in March of this year for the start up company Aeternus Energy Corp, United States submitted a takeover bid and paid investors with stock exchange-listed shares. Today, the acquisition of an absolute majority, much to the pleasure of investors, has been consummated. Aeternus holds the worldwide production and distribution rights on the so-called folk solar cell. By acquiring Solatera energy AG is now just these rights.

Same with the acquisition Solatera received several preliminary license contracts and can now focus on the certification of the product and the completion of other license contracts. Each shareholder has made a big profit “so Edgar Hering, Managing Director of Deutsche Solatera GmbH, which is responsible for the development up to series production and the TuV certification. Upon completion of the certification, we expect profit for the company Contracts “as Edgar next Hering. For the investors of the Start-Up company can then even a still far from higher profit result. We are very confident that soon there will be a solar module that can be produced at low cost and will provide a real alternative to the conventional, containing silicon solar modules that compete head pain. Last but not least, this is also the reason forever again emerging criticism. “According to Solatera energy AG, this is but an incentive to implement this technology..